Fire Safety Standards and Norms by Hasti Computers

Fire Safety Standards and Norms

Hasti Computers will be talking about the Fire Safety Standards and Norms for a situation we would never want you to experience, but you must go through to know how to escape a raging fire and come out alive. As we know, if a house accidentally catches fire, it spreads so fast that if you do not get out quickly, you will be stuck inside.


So let us get started with the most crucial thing to be kept in mind: Fire Prevention Plan.


Fire Planning


Design a fire prevention plan

One must not forget to include the fire prevention plan and design the fire escape route while preparing the layout of a house or an office. 


Things to keep in mind for preventing fire


We all know that prevention is better than cure, and we must make sure that we follow a few steps to avoid setting fire to our own house/office. The fire safety steps to be kept in mind are:-

Fire Safety Standards and Norms

• The stairs, passage, and exit areas must be kept free of obstructions at all times. Never let too many people cram into one space.

• Keep flammable liquids separately, and do not keep them anywhere near the gas cylinder.

• Please keep fire extinguishers on every floor for ensured safety.

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• Install sprinkler deflectors by following proper instructions from the fire department.

• Make sure the fire escape routes are never blocked. Keep checking them once in a while by opening them.

• Connect every appliance to an extension cord directly. Do not use extension cords for connecting them all.

• Install smoke and heat detectors on every floor. This way, you will know if there is a fire inside your house or nearby.

• Make everybody listen to the sound of fire alarms. It is how they will know there is a fire nearby.

• Conduct a drill to train your employees on how to escape through the fire escape route. Also, do train them on how to use the fire extinguisher. Inform everybody of the changes in the fire escape route, if there are any.

• Keep all the escape doors open at all times, check the smoke alarms and other fire prevention equipment regularly to ensure everyone’s safety.


Why is fire safety important?

Fire has the power to take a lot of lives once it starts. It can spread quickly and can damage property and unfortunately result in the loss of many lives. We need to make sure that if such a disaster occurs, we are prepared to deal with it and save our life along with others. 


Fire Extinguisher Tips 


Firstly, decide the place where you want to place the fire extinguisher. Mostly, they would be in areas that are likely to catch fire such as the kitchen, garage, etc.


Understand that there are 4 classes of fire extinguishers – A, B, C & D. They are used to put out different types of fire.


  1. Class A for wood, paper, and other combustibles.
  2. B for oil, grease, and other flammable liquids.
  3. C for fires generated due to electricity.
  4. D for flammable metals.


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There are various multipurpose fire extinguishers used to put out different types of fires and include more than one class such as A-B, A-B-C, etc.


How to use a fire extinguisher?

In case you have to use a fire extinguisher, you should know what to do in this situation. Please remember not to panic and follow the P.A.S.S. technique as most types of fire extinguishers operate like this.

What is the P.A.S.S. technique?


P – Pull the pin to break the seal

A – Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire and maintain it at a low angle 

S – Squeeze the lever of the fire extinguisher slowly

S – Sweep from side to side


Please take care of yourself and keep the protocols in mind. Hasti Computers cares for your safety and we need to follow these simple yet effective Fire Safety Standards and Norms in case you are trapped in this fiery situation. Do check out our website for fire safety equipment, place an order if you wish to and take a sigh of relief. Our professional installers will teach you how to use the devices. Also, follow us on Instagram and we shall keep you updated with the latest safety technology and systems.